This promotion ended Feb 12th @10:00 am (Mountain Daylight(Denver))

How well do you know your better half?

Tune to Kash & Winterburn every Wednesday  until Valentine's Day to play Kash & Winterburn's Better Half Battle! If you can correctly answer questions about your significant other and prove you really know your'll score a $250 gift card to Kingsway mall for a little retail therapy!

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You must be older than 18 years old

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How well do you know your better half?

Tune to Kash & Winterburn every Wednesday  until Valentine's Day to play Kash & Winterburn's Better Half Battle! If you can correctly answer questions about your significant other and prove you really know your'll score a $250 gift card to Kingsway mall for a little retail therapy!

Powered by Kingsway. Local love is in the air at Kingsway Mall this Valentine's!